

The main objective of SURIMI is integrating socio-ecological what-if simulation models into the EU DTO – a realistic simulation of the world’s oceans.

Between 2024 and 2027, SURIMI will aid in real-world problem-solving and policy creation through:

SURIMI project overview 1

Providing an ensemble of ready-to-use socio-economic and ecological simulation models to better understand the effects of fishery activities on sensitive species, seabed habitats and biodiversity hotspots.

SURIMI project overview 2

Onboarding the simulation models into the EU DTO through co-defining state-of-the-art interoperability and harmonisation practices with respect to data integration and model coupling.

SURIMI project overview 3

Developing decision support tools supporting sustainable marine resource management through an innovative, Large Language Model (LLM)-supported interaction interface that visualises the real-world data and simulated scenario outcomes. Tools will provide innovative, outcome-oriented science to support industries on data gathering, economic effects and spatial planning.

SURIMI project overview 4

Improving the quality of policy analysis through SURIMI’s interoperability protocol, data harmonisation and model plurality, allowing for best-informed state-of-the-art marine analysis that includes socio-economic layers and oceanographic information.

SURIMI project overview 5

Packaging the simulation models and decision support tools into a SURIMI toolbox for seamless, democratised and user-friendly access.

SURIMI project overview 6

Broadening engagement in ocean sciences and sustainability by democratising access to the EU DTO through a user-friendly toolkit, graphical user interface and the co-creation of tools.

SURIMI project overview 7

Building a community of end users from research, industry, advocacy, policy, and society to co-create, co-assess and co-design a responsive, demand driven and useful SURIMI toolbox.

SURIMI Model Outputs

SURIMI Model Outputs

Expected Outcomes

  • Strengthening the assessment capabilities of the EU DTO with respect to impacts of environmental changes, human pressures and policy implementation on ocean health, the blue economy, and societal prosperity.
  • Elevating stakeholder skills in using state-of-the-art digital twinning tools for faster and cheaper evidence-based assessment and sustainable management of marine resources, increasing blue economy jobs, and thus supporting the move towards resilient infrastructure within the EU.
  • Democratising access to high-quality data and simulation model predictions related to stock status, prevention of overfishing, and equitable distribution of natural resources.
  • Bringing ocean knowledge to all, citizen science will be encouraged by providing accessible user-friendly tools, broadening engagement in ocean sciences, policy and sustainability.
  • Contributing to an ever-evolving EU DTO database with input from experts and non-experts alike to create a “stand-alone usability” principle, meaning that SURIMI tools will be easy to use without specialist guidance.



Work Packages

Get involved with the co-creation of SURIMI tools